Monday, January 16, 2012

Attack of the MMS

I knew it was bound to strike someday...have been anxiously anticipating its full scale symptoms...and it has finally made its appearance...yes I am down with...
the MMS - Missing Milan Syndrome....

It has been 2 months since I bid ciao to Milano...time has gone by..but the memories of Milan and Italy still remain fresh in my mind...i think the best cure for this would be to blog more about my adventures and cherish the good times...
so stay tuned for more

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fruit Ahoy!!

It was Saturday! and the local farmer's market was buzzing with activity...My god I have never seen so much fruit before...actually let me rephrase that...I have never seen so much mouth-watering fruit before!!!
Everything was fresh..was ripe and was juicy....Where do i begin?

The grapes were from Sicily..really succulent sweet and juicy...
The figs were rosy inside and were perferct...
The raspberries werejust fabulous..

Some glimpses of that tantalizing fruit!

Interesting Cactus fruit...strangely called Fichi di India!


Even some spicy Thai chillies...

And if fruit isn't enough for you...I am sure a nice suckling pig will satisfy you...

Well anyways...if you are ever in Milan on a Satuday head down to Via Tabacchi for a 'fruitful' experience of your lifetime!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's a piece of Art

wondering what it is...apparently it's my hair!
So 4 weeks in Milano and it was time for a V and I got appointments to this swanky place: Les Garcons de la Rue
if you are ever in Milano..i highly recommend this place...

so in my broken italian I explain "mi piace un po corto capelli"..and my hairdresser Bryan goes "si, no problema" He begins the haircut like any other normal haircut....but then the experience begins...he starts cutting...takes a break every 2 mins...adjusts my hair...walks to the other end of the room! views it from there...comes back...makes more changes..tweaks it a bit more...and off again to the end of the room....apparently my hair was a masterpiece for him and perfection was key!

Everyone in Italy so passionate about what they do!! really!!!

anyways..both V and I ended up with some awesome haircuts....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bring on the Martinis...Milano Style!

Wow!...this city has some style...I am amazed how well dressed everyone is here...clearly you know that you are in THE fashion capital...the whole city is like a live fashion show...

If you are ever in Milano, a visit to the fashion district is a must...spend the day window shopping..oogling..building up your wish list..but at the end of the day I highly recommend a visit to the holy shrine of Italian fashion..Dolce and Gabbana...not so much for the fashion...but for the most awesome Martini bar..which is right in the store!!!

The Dolce and Gabbana Martini is a must try....
I think I am loving Milan!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lo Sciopero

Milano is famous for many things..the duomo...the fashion district..and most importantly the Last Supper by none other than Leonardo da vinci (just realised that in Italian this means Leonardo from vinci!! haha) in Santa Marie della Grazie....

Being highly sought after...this can be viewed only by off we went to Santa Marie della Grazie on our stipulated time....reached there on time..and what we hoped was to see this:

But......instead we were greeted by:

Ya!!! the last supper was on strike!!! Welcome to Italy!
I have no clue why they were on strike...apparently they were upset with the government...I have begun to realise why this country is facing a huge debt crisis...

Anyways..ended up walking around the church and found this amazing Gelateria! Shockolat!!! a must try if you are in Milan...its on Via Boccaccio 9

So the last supper will have to wait while I enjoy my pistacchio gelato...

some snaps of the church...


Monday, September 5, 2011

Il mio italiano

Wow! Having learnt spanish for a few years...I thought Italian would be pretty much the same and I could get a hang of it in a few days....
Clearly I was wrong!

Not only is the conjugation a bit tricky....but even worse is the pronounciation...especially the challenging 'C + vowel'
so here is a tip for you....
c + i = chi sound (like in ciao)
c + e = che sound (like certo)
c + hi = kki (ya...the language has so need to make this using ch)
c + he = kke

this is just a starter...lets not get into sc and sch sounds...that will be for another day...

I have been using a lot of spanish in class and madame sussana (our teacher)  doesn't seem too pleased with it....
She goes.. "What is sin??? Non capisco..."
I am like..Acqua sin gas...come on...we all know that it means 'without'..
but unfortunately here in Italy it is 'Acqua senza gas'..

Clearly I have got to turn off the spanish chip and insert a brand new italian one...atleast for the next few months....

Let me go brush up for class tomorrow...
